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Breath Quest: An Embodied Exploration

Breath Quest:
An Embodied Exploration

Join us for a free online breathwork taster session!

This will be a one hour free taster of a guided breathwork session using the conscious connected breath.

Feel held in a space from the comfort of your chosen surroundings, and simply become present with the body and breath. All are welcome.

Reclaiming, reframing, and rewilding our bodies and minds starts with the breath - the breath is the mycelium that connects all beings, just as the fascia connects the physical body: human and non-human, micro and macro, including the Earth and the Sky themselves. The connection to the breath is the connection to the tiniest atom, as well as to the entire cosmos.

Further information provided upon registration below.

23 July

Embodying the Heart: Breathing Sound Experience + replay available

24 September

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