
You are the author of your own masterpiece that is your life.

What does it mean to live with integrity, authenticity,
ease, and grace?

The magic of liberation is not in some far away place or time;
it is right here and now in this moment.

Why Breathwork?

We are living in a time when it may be easy to distrust the systems around us.
As we pull away from old stories that no longer bind us, it can be difficult & terrifying to remain grounded in our Truth.

How can we find the strength to anchor in ourselves & each other?

How do we continue to consistently choose to make decisions out of love, rather than fear?
Breathwork helps us to remember who we are & why we are here, as individuals as well as a species. It reminds us of our true potential; & of our ability to exercise our personal authority
and agency to reclaim our true nature,
again & again.

Breathwork is different from other healing or therapeutic modalities;
it is a physiological process that facilitates emotional clearing & spiritual teaching:
You do not need anything from anyone else, you do not need anything other than what you already have, have always had, & always will have - until you take your last breath.
You can choose clarity & empowerment.

When we listen to the breath,
we listen to the messages of the body.
We listen to the prayers & songs of the land,
of our spirit guides & ancestors.
We listen to the Earth herself.
We listen to our own true nature.

The song of the collective resonates in each one of us, but it is our individual responsibility to listen & answer the call.

We can find the strength to meet ourselves exactly where we are, in each & every moment, by simply using the breath; one breath at a time, from moment to moment, accepting the true nature of reality, exactly as it is.
In this way, we find the strength to stand in our Truth: actualising radical love for One & All.

You are the one
that you have been waiting for,
you’ve been there all along.

When we allow ourselves to breathe fully, as we already know how to, we allow ourselves to feel safe in our bodies where we may not have felt safe before.
By releasing this restricted & suppressed breath, we release our trapped emotion, & recollect parts of ourselves that may have been left there.
The breath assists us with remaining present in the body; allowing us to step away from mental stories so that we may reclaim our human experience
- and use it as our greatest source of strength & power. As we stay with the breath, we are able to fully welcome all of our being, as we really are & not just as we would like to be. In this form of authenticity, the breath shows us that in each & every moment, we are limitless, boundless, & abundant beings - if we so choose.

Are you ready to join us in meeting each moment from a place of possibility and potentiality, instead of predictability? This is where personal freedom and self-mastery lies, with the breath as a gateway to the quantum portal of the Unknown; the breath as a tool to time travel to past memories & future visions, whilst always remaining fully present in the body
- always feeling safe knowing that we are already whole, & all is already held.

Reclaiming, reframing, & rewilding our bodies & minds starts with the breath. The breath is the mycelium that connects all beings, just as the fascia connects the physical body:
human & non-human, micro & macro, including the Earth & the Sky themselves.
The connection to the breath is the connection to the tiniest atom,
as well as to the entire cosmos.

To be fully you is your super power, gift, & duty - not only to yourself & loved ones, but also for your ancestors & future generations.

Now is the time to answer the call.

How I Work:

Sensational, Elemental Embodiment,
Bio-Hacking, & Re-Employing the Mind.

  • Touch

  • Sound

  • Thought

  • Sight

  • Taste

  • Smell

Who Am I?

  • Gemini

    Service to Spirit through the Intellectual Pursuit of Truth & Eternal Youth

  • Enneagram 5: The Investigator

    Alert, Insightful, Curious, Independent, Innovative, Complex

  • Human Design: Manifestor

    Initiator, Innovator, Communicative, Freedom Seeking Rebel, Inner Authority

  • 12th Gene Key

    Death, Purification, Oneness, Passion, Expression, Creativity

Reach out and connect here:
(+44) 7745387532

Bristol, UK
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia