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Online Breathwork Journey by donation

clouds and blue sky

Online Breathwork Journey
by donation


Join breathwork facilitators, Nakita & Helen, for an online circle of peace, presence and calm.

You will be guided on a journey, during which we will activate and receive the wisdom of the body. Journeying tools include guided meditation and breathwork.

Everything is vibration - tuning into our resonance using breath helps us to reclaim, reframe, and rewild our bodies and minds. Just as the fascia connects the physical body, the breath is the mycelium that connects all beings: human and non-human, micro and macro, including the Earth and the Sky themselves.

Further information provided
upon sign up below:

All are welcome and no-one will be excluded due to monetary reasons however, a booking must still be made to ensure safeguarding. Please contact us for further payment options, or to offer reciprocity.

18 August

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11 December

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